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Women's Ministry

Women's Breakfasts

Womens breakfast Flyer - Debbie Flood 6 July 2024

Several times a year we host a breakfast with a speaker sharing their experience of the Christian faith. 

Our next breakfast is in October - more details to come.

Our last breakfast was on Saturday 6 July 2024 at The Fox Inn with Debbie Flood, two time Olympic silver medallist.

You can listen to Debbie's talk, along with others from previous Women's Breakfasts on the women's talks page.

Ladies Craft Night

Each year, at the end of November, we hold our very popular ladies craft night. All are invited to come up to the church from 7.30pm to take part and try out new Christmas crafts, sample some mulled wine and mince pies and meet other ladies from the community. No need to book... just come along



